
Webinar Sample preparation for the cement and building materials industry

In the laboratory, our aim is to obtain reliable analytical results, whether that is in R&D or quality control of production steps in, e.g., a cement factory. In order to get these reliable, accurate results, having a solid protocol in place to minimize errors is key.

We see the sources of error mainly in 3 areas: sample acquisition, sample preparation and the analysis itself, where the first two can contribute with 90% error!

Therefore, it is crucial that we establish a plan for reliable sampling of the material, use reliable and reproducible equipment for the preparation, and depending on the analytical technique being used (i.e. Sieving, XRF, XRD, etc.), that we know the requirements for the sample and the equipment operation in order to obtain our goal: reliable, reproducible, and accurate analytical results.

This webinar will focus on the sampling and sample preparation process and how to avoid typical errors.

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Language: English, Russian