
Webinar Best Operating Practices for XRF users including the importance of sample preparation

Quality Control in industry is imperative, this Webinar will highlight the XRF best operating practices that will ensure the daily monitoring and compliance of quality control data. The Webinar will focus on how to ensure the XRF method is fit for purpose. The fundamentals to stable, reproducible analytical results from your XRF spectrometer is not only a stable, working spectrometer, but also a stable, reproducible sample preparation that is appropriate for the material being measured. Choosing an appropriate sample preparation method depends both on the material itself, and on the limitations of the analytical technique with respect to the elements you wish to analyse.

During this complimentary webinar, specialists from Retsch and Rigaku will present the background to sampling and sample preparation. They will also cover how to check that your samples have been prepared appropriately and what effects bad sample preparation can have on your measurement result. Daily check analysis is required in order to ensure that the quality from sample preparation through to the XRF instrument is monitored continuously and the data is trended.

For an analytical result to be fit for its intended purpose it must be sufficiently reliable that any decision based on it can be taken with confidence. Thus the method performance must be validated and the uncertainty on the result, at a given level of confidence, estimated. Uncertainty should be evaluated and quoted in a way that is widely recognised. 

Webinars On-Demand

Language: English, Russian