
Application Laboratory free test grinding and test sieving

Find the perfect instrument - with RETSCH's free sample processing!

As part of RETSCH’s professional customer support we offer our customers the individual advice required to find the optimum solution for their sample preparation task. To achieve this our application laboratories process and measure samples free-of-charge and provide a recommendation for the most suitable method and instrument.

Get your recommendation with these simple steps:

  1. Complete the milling or sieving questionnaire
  2. Send the completed questionnaire, the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and your sample to your local RETSCH partner.
  3. Our specialists will analyse your sample and select the ideal instrument for your application.
  4. We process your sample under real conditions and provide a detailed application report.
  5. You will receive a recommendation for the optimal instrument and a personalised quotation - directly from your RETSCH partner, who is always available for a personal consultation.
Trust in RETSCH's expertise and find the best solution for your sample preparation!

Questionnaire "Milling"

for samples that need to be pulverized to a specific analytical fineness


Questionnaire "Sieving"

for samples whose particle size distribution needs to be determined


Samples before and after test grinding

Typical Sample Materials : raisins

dried fruit and vegetables

Typical Sample Materials : coated tablets

hard plastic

Typical Sample Materials : polystyrene


Typical Sample Materials : soil

iron ore

Ready for the perfect solution? Send us your sample now!

Fill out the questionaire and send us your sample to receive an individual and detailed Test report. An example of a test report is available for download on the right-hand side.